Welcome to The Burned-In Teacher Podcast

One part burnout and all other parts action, inspiration, and support for teachers dealing with burnout. 

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Leaders are readers - that’s right.  Leaders understand the importance of always striving to be the best version of themselves, which one can do by consuming powerful and motivating content through reading.  

In this episode,...


Have you ever been in that place where you feel like you are just a robot going through the motions?  Like it almost feels like you are going through your day on autopilot and you are just going through the motions which cause you to feel...


This past school year sure has had its challenges that have been weighing heavy on the hearts of many educators.  This added “weight” fosters feelings of burnout due to the lack of control and not knowing what new challenge is...


Many teachers that I work with and talk to identify themselves as “people pleasers”. These people work hard during their day to make sure that everyone they encounter is happy because they believe that, if the people around them are...



Being grounded and intimately connected with yourself - both physically and emotionally - is important.  This connectedness allows us to feel when we are out of alignment (burned out) as well as giving us insight for how to remedy...



I will be happy when…

Things will be better when…

I’ll start when…

These are all excuses that we tell ourselves that limit us, that keep us stuck.  We need to stop making excuses and waiting for the...


Did you know that 95% of the thoughts you had today you had yesterday?  And did you know that about 80% of them are negative?  Those negative stories are powerful - they work hard to keep you stuck in feelings of overwhelm, loneliness,...


This time of year, many of us find ourselves thinking about goals - about things we want to reach and/or obtain.  But you need to do more than just talking about your goals - you need to have a clear vision of what you want.  You need...


Throughout our teaching day, there are many moments where dark clouds roll in, blocking the rays of joy that keep us going, keep us motivated to reach our goals, and be our authentic selves.  We’ve got to make sure that we take the...



“We’re all doing the best we can with where we are” is something that I say quite often when I talk with teachers who are struggling with burnout, but right now, that’s just not enough. We as teachers, and the world...


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